Hoël Duret
Left-Overs (Les Restes), 2012

The Left-Overs (Les Restes) (2012) installation is made out of falls of materials found in the studio combined together to evoke the Proun by El Lissitzky. This is an ironic reference to the moderns and the influence they still have.

01/03 Left-Overs (Les Restes) (2012)
Several materials. 202 cm x 220 cm x 45 cm
© Hoël Duret / ADAGP Paris, 2012

02 & 03/03 Left-Overs (Les Restes) (2012), view of detail
Several materials. 202 cm x 220 cm x 45 cm
© Hoël Duret / ADAGP Paris, 2012