Hoël Duret
La Vie Héroïque de B.S. - Acte II : Le dilemme de l’oeuf, 2014

In the second act, B.S.’s company received a ridiculous offer. The avian inustries consortium ask him to redraw the chicken egg in order to optimize its packaging and transportation for large-scale lossless marketing. This challenge is a fondamental dilemma because the chicken egg is already a perfect form, and a completely natural one ! This mission consists in fact to contradict the laws of nature against all logic : to perfect a perfect form.

Nonetheless, B.S. accepts the challenge, driven by his faith in industrial design’s powers. He is convince that even Nature can be optimized by technique.

B.S.'s workshop goes to work and multiplies scientific experiments and remodelings without reaching any conclusive results. Despite their repeated failures, he keeps faith in his theory without understanding that his certainties slowly collapse...

01 & 02/09 - Les bancs (2014)
MDF, mosaic, coats, glue, acrylic painting, 2 pieces, 120 x 40 x 40 cms each
Image Mosquito Coast Factory / Philippe Piron, 2014 © Hoël Duret / ADAGP Paris, 2014

03 to 09/09 - La Vie Héroïque de B.S. - Acte II : Le dilemme de l’oeuf (2014), exhibition view
Image Mosquito Coast Factory / Philippe Piron, 2014 © Hoël Duret / ADAGP Paris, 2014